Monday, May 23, 2011


Happy Birthday, dear Blog!  Joyeux Anniversaire!

"Bringing up Baby Bilingual" turns five years old today

In the past five years, thanks to writing this online journal and sharing it with similar-minded parents and teachers, I have learned so much about raising children with more than one language--theories, techniques, challenges, joys, resources.  I have made friends from Trinidad to Seattle to France to Namibia.  It's a cliche, but yes, I have laughed, I have cried. I have fallen in love with my willful, whimsical son and his baby sister still growing in my belly as I sing to them both during quiet moments, singing to them in French, a language that I have fought to adopt as the language of my heart, my language for my children, even as my speaking it in Colorado draws questioning glances from strangers in the supermarket and sends me flying to the dictionary on a regular basis.

Thank you all for your support--for cheering, for empathizing, for explaining, for offering advice, for reading my words, for joining me on our journey of bringing up babies bilingually.


  1. yay, happy 5th anniversary to the blog! I have been following you for under a year and have enjoyed your ideas, resources and personal experiences. I'm just started out my (non-native) bilingual baby journey - my little one is about two months old and I speak to him in Spanish. We hope we can attend a Spanish story time as cool as your French one sounds - maybe we'll have to start it!

  2. Thank you for writing this blog for 5 years and I hope you have another 5 or 10 more to offer before the satisfaction and joy you get and give others via this blog decreases even a single iota.

  3. Sarah, c'est un vrai plaisir de partager ce voyage avec vous et votre famille. Looking forward to much more advice, informative tips and encouragement from your end!

    A plus!


  4. @Kara--Congratulations on your little one and bravo to you for raising him bilingually!

    @Fan--Me too!

    @THW--I feel the same way--you're an inspiration!

    Merci beaucoup, y'all.
