Want to develop a
public storytime program in another language? Read my
how-to article, "So you want to start a second-language storytime?".
(Also check out "
How to Start a Kids' French Singing Group" on Ma Puce!)
Mathilde's sons look on as she reads a book to the Lafayette group |
Want to bring your children (francophone or anglophone) to a
storytime in French in Boulder County (Colorado)? Here are your options:
Lafayette Public Library: L'heure du conte
- Second Friday of the month (most months; double check the library calendar)
- 4:00-4:30 pm (stay to socialize afterwards; library closes at 5:00)
- Led by a parent volunteer (moi)
- Features children's books, songs, comptines, and interactive activities
- To get on our mailing list for announcements of this and other kid-friendly francophone events in the area, sign up for our Meetup group, Boulder County Fun with French
- Read more about our storytime here
- Oh, and we always start and end with the same songs: Dans la foret lointaine (because "coucou" is a way to say "hi" in French) and Ainsi font font font (because the first verse concludes with "Trois petits tours et puis s'en vont"--and then they go away). Help your child learn them so you can both participate when you visit our storytime!
Audrey and her daughter go "shopping" during a market-themed storytime in Lafayette |
Louisville Public Library French Storytime
- First Friday of the month (except summertime)
- 10:30-11:00 am
- Led by Veronique Carney, who teaches French classes for children
- Features children's books, songs, and dancing
Boulder Public Library (Main) French Storytime
- On hiatus as of fall 2014
- Led by Marie Nicoletti, who teaches French and cooking classes for children
- Features children's books
I`m a spanish speaker mom. Dad is too. We would like our little girl (4 months now) to be bilingual.
ReplyDeleteI also speak English, but I am not native, but I feel confident enough to speak. In fact, I do.
I beg for advice. Our plan is to do: i talk to her en english, he does in spanish. But my question is: she she see and hear me only speaking in English? I communicate with my husband in Spanish of course. Or should I speak to him in English and he answers in spanish? is it ok if she hears me speaking spanish at the phone, store, relatives, in spanish?
I`ll appreciate you advice. I am reading a lot about this topic, but I`m so confused!
Thank you
Hola Jessica! Bravo to you (and your husband) for accepting the challenge of raising your daughter in your non-native language! (By the way, have you "met" Dani yet, who is speaking English to his son in Spain: http://babybilingual.blogspot.com/2011/10/profile-non-native-english-with-danis_28.html ?)
DeleteIt is inevitable that your daughter will hear you speaking Spanish with almost everyone else in her world--you won't be able to avoid it, and besides, it would feel very unnatural to try to hide from her the fact that you are a Spanish speaker.
I think you should explain to your daughter (when she's older) that English is a special language that she and her mommy share, that she's the only one that mommy chooses to speak English with every day. Singing songs, doing fingerplays, reading books, playing together, cuddling--all that will reinforce the closeness and warmth that you share in English, and she will expect the intimacy of English from you.
Knock on wood, Griffin has never resisted my speaking French with him, even though he clearly knows that English is my native tongue.
Thanks for your question, and keep us posted!
Bonjour Sara,
DeleteJe m'appelle Jocelyn et j'étais dessus que vous n'allez pas raconter des histoires en français le mois de Mai. Je voulais te rencontrer car j'enseigne des cours pour les petits dans une salle de gymnastique et je pensais donner ces cours en français. Est-ce que je peux t'inviter à prendre le petit déjeuner avec moi? J'aimerais bien avoir ton avis a ce sujet. Mon portable es 205-441-8651. Si tu peux me téléphoner, je serais ravie! Excuse mes fautes!
Jocelyn Barcilon
Excuse moi, j'ai oublié le "h" dans l'orthographe de ton nom!
ReplyDeleteI am a German speaking mom, from Austria. I only speak German with my daughter (9month old) but my husband speaks only English.
Would love to find a story time in german...does that exist in Colorado?
Thanks for any info!!