Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hooray for the October Carnival!

Bravo to Frances, author of Discovering the World Through My Son's Eyes, who is hosting this month's Raising Multilingual Children blogging carnival.  She posed a very important question:

How do you nurture your child's target language? Has it been through play, games, immersion, travel, culture, or books?

To see how 25+ parents responded, just click here!  I think you'll find that many of the responses resonate with you too.  Thank you to Frances for hosting!


  1. By the way....Frances' carnival will be a tough act to follow, but I think we're up for the challenge! I'm hosting this month's collection at Bringing up Baby Bilingual and would like to take advantage of the timing: in the US, we celebrate Thanksgiving in November, so please send me the link to a blog post about what you feel grateful for as a parent raising your child(ren) with more than one language...your partner's support? your child's smiles? your public library? your frequent-flyer miles?

    Please email me by Monday, Nov. 18; the carnival will go live on Nov. 25.

    Questions? Suggestions? Just let me know!

    babybilingual {AT} gmail {DOT} com

    1. Thank you Sarah for your kind words!!! The carnival would have not been possible without yours, and everyone else's submissions! I'm looking forward to this month's carnival, and I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job! Thanks for hosting!

    2. I just wish I had time to read all the blogs by parents raising kids with more than one language....I can't ever seem to get caught up! But I'm looking forward to this month's carnival too.
