Sunday, April 15, 2012

I heart Pinterest

Yep, I'm sold.

Browsing Pinterest has become my favorite way to end the day as I nurse Gwyneth to sleep!  I love the pictures, the ideas, the connections.  Illustrations from vintage French children's books, a glitter-filled time-out jar, directions for making word family spinners, a Charlotte's Web t-shirt, printable paper cut-outs of Parisian buildings, and a griffin depicted in stained glass are just a few of the posts and websites that have caught my eye recently.

Honestly, the passivity of it appeals to this sleep-deprived maman--I can read and explore as I click with my one free hand, without having to type anything.

I like that I can do as much or as little as I want with my discoveries--collate them on my virtual bulletin boards, send them to like-minded bibliophiles, francophiles, and moms, try the new recipe or craft right away (but not feel disappointed in myself if I don't), blog about them, or simply browse and enjoy looking at the images and the creative and/or practical ideas they serve as a springboard to.

Join me!

Are there any pinners you follow that share stuff about language learning, bilingualism, or French?  Please let me know whom you recommend.  Especially if you yourself are on Pinterest too!  (For example,  I'm following Perogyo from Perogies and Gyoza.)

Follow Me on Pinterest

(Don't know what I'm talking about?  Check out this beginner's guide to Pinterest.)


  1. I'm following you ;-) I have a friend on there who is a french prof her out she has a board dedicated to all things french. La Prof is her name on there ;-)

    1. Following you too! You make beautiful jewelry, btw. Thanks for letting me know about La Prof.

  2. I'm following you. It's so great to make a French connection - we live in central NY and it seems to hard to make "Frenchie" friends. Getting to see ideas from others is so much fun!

    I did have a question for you - maybe you've blogged about it before but I haven't had a chance to look yet...did you find a good resource for French baby talk? Little things like "faire do do"


    1. Bonjour Ann! Thanks for dropping by my blog and for sharing on Pinterest

      The best resource I found for French child-related vocab was reading a parenting/childcare book, since all the vocab was used in context.

      But if you're looking for some handy lists, check out these two sites:égorie:Langage_enfantin_en_français

      And then, just talking with other Francophone moms, I have picked up terms like "un cozy" for infant car seat.

  3. I haven't gone that route yet, because I am already stuck with so many things. I want to see it, but know better, lol.

    Did you read my last post?

    1. I know what you mean--I only joined Facebook two years ago because I wanted to get updates on a faraway friend's health, and I don't Tweet at all!

      Just checked out your post--I'll have to investigate the sample lesson in French.

  4. Pinterest is so dangerous. I love seeing what all my friends like. I need my husband on there so I can buy him better presents!

    1. It seems like very few men are on Pinterest. But it doesn't just have to be about crafts and recipes and hairstyles and clothes and kids!

      It would be fun to see what showed up on my husband's boards, true.

      I like the sense of deepening connections that Pinterest creates for me--oh, look, those folks want to try my idea! I recognize her name from her blog! Both of these two writers I follow pinned the same post simultaneously--with that kind of endorsement, I want to see what it is right away!

  5. I am sold too... Best thing to waste time ever!
