Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I'm a language educator in The Language Educator!

The current issue of The Language Educator (Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2012), a publication of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), has a nice long article on raising children bilingually.  Among the parents they interviewed is--moi!  Lotsa quotes, some advice, and even a picture of Griffin and me snuggling with a book.  The article, "Raising Multilingual Children" (pages 48-53), is by Patricia Koning.

In the article, I say that speaking my non-native language with my children makes me a better parent--I'm consciously choosing to be very present when I'm with them.  More about that idea here.


  1. That´s great news, congratulations!Also happy half birthday to your daughter!

  2. Got my copy Friday and it was fabulous (magnifique?) to see you in print! Great article!

  3. Thank you! It was fun to do the interview (and to see that she wanted to include so many of my ideas in the article).
