Thursday, September 16, 2010

and then the 'potamus did what?

Hey Francophones--Have you seen this adorable girl narrating a fairy tale of her own creation? She speaks very clearly (and the video is subtitled).

Griffin wasn't really interested, but I'm just glad to have a coherent short video of a child speaking French to show him!


  1. Hi Sarah,
    I was looking for a song my daughter likes called "Octopus" online and came across this cd which has a few kids' songs in French on it. I thought you might be interested, especially since the mp3s are available to be purchased individually.

  2. P.S. The song "I am a Pizza" on the CD is sung in French too, even thought the title is in English.

  3. I had forgotten about Carmen Champagne--thanks for the recommendation, Kendra! She has in fact several albums with French songs. Purchasing just the French songs as mp3s is a great idea.

  4. Oh, here is another very cute video clip in French, courtesy of YouTube: it's a commercial for a French TV channel that shows a lot of movies. It involves a misinterpretation of what the film "March of the Penguins" is about.
